You get to decide
The Podcast.
Welcome to the podcast that helps you to truly decide your life.
You’ll be empowered to decide who you want to be and what you want in life and to then decide how you need to show up daily to be and become that person to attain those goals!
Drops every Wednesday.
I discuss knowledge along with tools, tips, and tricks to empower and educate you to keep you on the path to your goals.
I will have motivational stories and guest interviews to help educate and motivate you to have the courage to live out your dreams!
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Teasers from first 5 Podcast Episodes
1.Why “You Get To Decide”
In the first episode I discuss why I named the podcast "You get to decide" and I give some knowledge of why that is the case. Most people do not stop and realize just how much power they have over their own life. I will discuss how you are not your thoughts so when you start to just observe them and question them you hold the power to realize you actually get to decide what you want to think, do, and attain.
2. How "Enoughness" Is The Foundation We Stand On When Trying To Achieve Any Goal
In this episode I explore how acknowledging that we are already enough forms the foundation for achieving any goal. I uncover how a sense of sufficiency influences our decisions and impacts not only our success but our quality of life. Learn practical strategies to overcome self-doubt and embrace a mindset of enoughness at any time. No matter your goals, this episode offers valuable guidance to help you stand firm and help you achieve any goal through confidence.
3. How "Enoughness" Is The Foundation We Stand On When Trying To Achieve Any Goal
In this episode I discuss how we think we are powerless throughout our day but that isn't true. Why we are on automatic and what causes it. I talk about all the ways it is extremely important to slow down, PAUSE, and observe your automatic responses in life. How to slow down. How to pause. Discovering how slowing down can disrupt habitual patterns and addictive behaviors, allowing for more mindful choices...leading to the beginning of DECIDING your own life. This episode offers valuable strategies to help you break free from automatic responses and build a more intentional, therefore fulfilling life.
4. Making Positive Change Doesn't Always Feel Good
Are you waiting to feel good before taking your next steps? You may be waiting a long time!
In this episode, I talk about the biggest changes I made in my life, how they actually felt, and why it wasn't what you may think. We often assume that moving in the direction of our dreams will feel good, but that isn't usually the case and it doesn't mean you should quit. In fact, the discomfort usually means you are on the right road!
Join me as I share personal stories of transformation, the unexpected emotions that come with taking big risks, and how to navigate through the uncertainty and fear. If you're looking for inspiration to make a change and need a reminder that it's okay to feel uncomfortable, this episode is for you. Embrace the journey and discover the strength within to become someone new.
5. When Is The Perfect Day To Start?
If you are waiting for the perfect day to make the changes you want to make then this one is for you!
In this episode I talk about the lie we tell ourselves that "The perfect day will come to..." but I explain how that is just our brains trying to delay our desires.
I poke holes in the belief that there is a perfect day.
I also talk about the idea of our past, present, and future self and how to use that to your advantage to get started and keep going,
I speak about procrastination and tools to help you move forward and the quote by Les Brown "The graveyard is the richest place on earth because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream."